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Interest-Only Mortgage Tutorial
Here is what you will learn in this tutorial: 1. What is an interest-only mortgage? 2. For what types of borrowers is it suitable? 3. What are the hazards you should watch out for? 4. What information do you need to assess an IO mortgage? 5. How ... more...

Tutorial on Selecting Mortgage Features
Planning to shop for a mortgage on-line? You need to answer the following questions first, so you know exactly what you are shopping for.      1. What Type of Mortgage Should I Select? 2. Which Mortgage Options Should I Select? 3. How Long a Term Should I Take? 4. ... more...

interest only mortgage program lines bad credit email home addition loan related definitions

Second Mortgage, Home Equity Loan
Second Mortgage, Home Equity Loan A secured loan (mortgage) that is subordinate to another loan against the same property. More specifically, the second loan in sequence. Generally, second mortgage hass a higher interest rate and with shorter terms than a ... more...

Credit Score
Credit Score A single numerical score, based on an individual's credit history, that measures that individual's credit worthiness. Credit scores are as good as the algorithm used to derive them. The most widely used credit score is called ... more...

More about interest only mortgage program lines bad credit email home addition loan

Questions and Affirmations - The Art (and Science) Of Talking To Yourself
I Hear VoicesThis is not a statement of paranormal; it is a statement of truth. Yes, we all have an inner voiceIs yours an ally or an enemy? Do you realize you say things to yourself you would never let anyone else say to you? Dont let your inner voice tear you down and strip away your ... more...

16 Ways to Make Your Business Cards Unforgettable
Every time you hear someone say May I have one of your business cards?" you should get excited. I know I do. Thats because I LOVE my cards. I spent thousands of dollars on printing, several hours on designing and went through 10 different layouts until I got them right.And it was all worth it.A ... more...

Learn How You Can Repair Your Credit & Get Out Of Debt Faster Before Buying Your New House!
Most people think mistakenly that if you have credit problems, you have to wait 7 years for them to go away. Well, that's not always true.Credit repair can help you...once you know how to do it. The time to clean up your credit and pay off your debts is RIGHT NOW, before you start looking for ... more...

Value Proposition Writing - Brand Identity Guru
Your Value Proposition, or as I usually call it, your Core Marketing Message, is still misunderstood by most professionals. It's not just a tagline, sound bite or even an "Audio Logo." It goes way beyond that.It really is the expression of the essence of your business. It's the foundation of all ... more...

Build Your Own Online Network
Many online business owners and marketers use a variety of tools to make their business successful. Good strategies include maintaining a web site, publishing an ezine, joining affiliate programs, advertising on other people's ezines, and much, much more. As any good Internet "guru" will tell you ... more...

Secrets of the Option ARM Loan
How Does an Option ARM Loan Work?Option ARM (also called Pick A Payment or Pay Option ARM) loans work by providing the borrower with four payment options each month.Before we get into the payment options, let's review some of the important terms and concepts involved with this loan program.ARM - ... more...

What Is A FHA Loan?
Most of us need to borrow some money at least at one point of time in our life. When we want to buy a car, to study at the College or University, when we want to buy a house or home, when we need money to start our own business - even when we use our credit cards.There are many types of loans and ... more...

I Can't Pay My Loan - Student Guidelines for Recovery
You graduated and now your student loan is due. The job hasnt come through yet, or you are just in over your head. What can you do about that student loan?Before you enter the default stage, relax and review your options. Realize that you arent alone. Unfortunately, since so many former ... more...

Home Owners In Trouble! The Real Estate Bubble, Rising Interest, and Variable Rate Loans Concern Fed
Hurricane Katrina, floods, earthquakes, rising fuel prices, shrinking pocketbooks, and now, concerns over variable interest rate loans, are discussions heard throughout the nation.With mounting concerns by the Fed over rising inflation, there is a serious push to increase the current rates of ... more...

Why You Should Write To Inform And Not To Sell
Advertising is key! Unfortunately most people waste their money on advertising unless they can play by the numbers. Playing by the numbers is simply spending enough money on advertising and saturating the market so much, that percentage wise, enough people will want to see what you have to offer. ... more...

A Bad Real Estate Market is Good for Real Estate Investors and the Country!
The real estate industry in this country is in for a rude awakening!The realtors, mortgage brokers, investors (really speculators) and Alan Greenspan are whistling past the grave yard, living on borrowed time.Few people realize how bad the real estate market can become. I remember in the late 70s ... more...

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