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Debt Consolidation With a Second Mortgage
November 6, 1999, Revised February 20, 2004, Revised November 30, 2004 "I have a bad credit card habit, with 7 cards and $30,000 in balances, at rates ranging from 10% to 19%. I have been offered a $35,000 second mortgage at ... more...

Qualifying For a Mortgage
December 12, 2000 Most potential borrowers are nervous about getting a mortgage loan because they share a widespread misperception: the misperception is that they have no bargaining power relative to lenders, and therefore must approach them ... more...

introductory rate mortgage monthly payment pay off debt home loan related definitions

Negative Amortization
Negative Amortization Negative amortization, also known as Neg Amortization, NegAm, NegAmMort, occurs when borrower pays back less than the full amount of interest owed to the lender each month. The difference betweeen full interest and paid amount is added to the total amount ... more...

Second Mortgage, Home Equity Loan
Second Mortgage, Home Equity Loan A secured loan (mortgage) that is subordinate to another loan against the same property. More specifically, the second loan in sequence. Generally, second mortgage hass a higher interest rate and with shorter terms than a ... more...

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Are Option Pay ARM's Risky?
The general consensus about the riskiness of Option Pay mortgage loans is that they are high risk; high risk to both the borrower and the lender. To add even more risk to the loans, consumers and loan officers not only have to understand initial and lifetime caps, various indicies and margins, but ... more...

Home Mortgages: Think Before You Borrow
In today's overheated housing market, lenders are making it easier and easier to get a mortgage. For example, some lenders have lowered the credit score needed to qualify for a mortgage. Others have increased the debt load that borrowers can carry or have made it easier for borrowers to get loans ... more...

5 Simple Steps for Serious Saving and Financial Growth
1) Pay off your loan, credit and store card debt and resist the temptation to keep on spending money you dont yet have.Credit cards and store cards attract the highest rates of interest and are the most inefficient way to work your finances. The average annual percentage rate (APR) for credit ... more...

Home Loans For First Time Buyers With Bad Credit
First time home buyers with bad credit have a lot of options when it comes to financing their purchase. You dont need to worry about getting approved, since almost all applications are accepted today. Instead, you should focus on getting the best rates and fees on your home loan.Get Your Credit In ... more...

Adjustable Rate Mortgages Offer Alternatives For Home Buyers
When looking for a mortgage to meet your needs, consider these key questions: Is your income expected to increase in the coming years? How long do you plan to live in your new home? And, which mortgage will provide the lowest interest rate?While 15 or 30 year fixed-rate mortgages are the most ... more...

Remortgage When Monthly Mortgage Payments are Touching New Heights
Current economic scene has hinted towards a fall in the Bank of England base rate from a three and a half year high of 4.75%. 78% of the property investors are contemplating refinancing their home loans. Are you thinking the same? This is the appropriate time for remortgage and moving to ... more...

Rate Tarts No Longer Welcomed By Mortgage And Credit Card Providers
Following on from recent moves in the credit card industry (see Cashzilla Rate tarts losing ability to cherry pick) to reduce the number of people switching from one financial provider to another, mortgage lenders are now looking to follow suit.Abbey is the latest High Street mortgage lender to ... more...

Choosing a Mortgage Lender
Just as there are many types of mortgages and mortgage deals to choose from, there are also many sources where you can go to get a mortgage. Your key choices are to use a mortgage broker, a more general financial adviser, or shop around yourself and go direct to the mortgage lender. For many people ... more...

Everything You Need to Know About a Negative Amortization Mortgage
Most Property Owners are conditioned to believe that a Negative Amortization Mortgage is a Bad thing. Before you get that next mortgage shouldn't you get the facts so you can decide for yourself what is best.The First Question many people have is what is a negative Amortization Mortgage. A ... more...

Home Mortgage Loans - Fixed Rate, Adjustable or Balloon, Which One Is Right For You?
When you're shopping for a new homeespecially for the first timeall the terms and expressions may be confusing and difficult to understand. Adjustable rate, fixed rate, balloon payment - how do you decide which is the right type of home mortgage for you if you're not even sure what each of them are ... more...

Is the Time Right for You to Re-mortgage?
At certain times and in certain circumstances it actually makes more sense for someone to re-mortgage than to stay with their current lender and ride the waves of ever changing interest rates.This article looks at five specific reasons to re-mortgage but first things first I must just point out ... more...

Mortgage Broker Marketing: What's Wrong with Your Marketing Materials
Many times mortgage broker marketing materials fail because of some simple mistakes. The most common errors found in materials include:Feature-Focused The content of the message is focused on you, not the prospect. For example, companies often promote their years of experience in their literature, ... more...

What is a Capped Mortgage?
A capped mortgage is a variable rate mortgage with a capped limit beyond which the rate paid will not exceed.Mortgages are available in a number of different interest rate options, one of which is the capped rate.A cap means that there will be a limit to any increase in the variable rates for a ... more...

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