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Mortgage Professor about 80 10 10 loan: 
How Much Should I Put Down?
March 7, 2005 The Down Payment Decision: Borrower Can Put Nothing Down In answering this question, I place borrowers into three groups. One group has no money for a down payment, so they have no down payment decision to make. Their problem is qualifying for a loan without a ... more...

What Do Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Do?
March 10, 2003 "What are Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and what do they do?" Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are "government-sponsored enterprises" (GSEs). This means that they are privately owned, but receive support from the Federal Government, and assume some public ... more...

80 10 10 loan related definitions

Bridge Loan
Bridge Loan A bridge loan is a short-term loan, usually a second mortgage, run for 6 month but may be taken taken out for a period of 2 weeks to 3 years. The borrower's current home (which is usually "for sale") is ... more...

VA Loan
VA Loan A VA loan is a mortgage loan in the United States guaranteed by the US Veterans Administration. The loan may be issued by qualified lenders. Available only to veterans possessing a Certificate of Eligibility. Purchasing a home with a VA Loan is not as difficult as ... more...

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Ending Your Private Mortgage Insurance Early
Private mortgage insurance, or PMI, is the safety net of the lender. PMI benefits lenders because it guarantees payment on the balance of loans not covered by the sale of foreclosed properties.If a borrower makes a down payment of 20% of the cost of the home, the lender can generally trust that he ... more...

Home Equity Lines of Credit - the Basics
A Home equity line of credit is a loan which is similar to a credit card. These often have a very low interest rate (In most cases even lower than home equity loans). A Home equity lines of credit acts as a form of revolving which your home equity services.For example,-You take out a Home Equity ... more...

How to Avoid Paying Mortgage Insurance
In today's world, a borrower should not be paying mortgage insurance (PMI) on their home mortgage with a few exceptions such as an FHA loan. Mortgage Insurance is a thing of the past.Lets first explain what mortgage insurance is. A lender requires a borrower to pay mortgage insurance if the loan ... more...

Ten Creative Financing Techniques
Do all the creative financing techniques you hear about really work? Yes, actually. They probably have all worked somewhere for someone at least once. The point isn't if they will all work for you. The point is to know what is possible, so you can find your own creative ways to invest in real ... more...

Buying A Business 10 Important Items You Need To Know
80% of all business buyers never end up buying a business! Many factors contribute to this statistic, but by following the points below, you should be successful in locating and buying a business that interests you and completing the transaction!Know The Types/Sizes/Locations Of Businesses You Want ... more...

Is the New Millennium Method Really $1.204,000 Better then a Bi-Weekly Mortgage
This Article will compare and Contrast the Old-School Bi-Weekly Mortgage Method with the New Millennium Invest the Difference Method. Can The New Millennium Method really result in over $1,200,000 more money in your Retirement Account.A Bi-Weekly Mortgage is a Craze that has been Sweeping the ... more...

Mortgage Terms Explained
When you are hunting for a mortgage, you will find that there are many different types of mortgages available. I will list some of the more common ones and their uses.15 vs 30 YearsYour mortgage term can be just about anything you choose. 15 and 30 year terms are popular these days, although 10 ... more...

A Neo-Nazi Hate Group Uses Hurricane Katrina Disaster To Cash In
The lows some people will sink too in order to cash in on the pain and suffering of the Hurricane Katrina Disaster Victims. Frank Weltner registered 10 Web Sites with names like donate-katrina.com, katrinafamilies.com, and neworleanscharities.com soliciting donations for Hurricane Katrina ... more...

Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI)
If your down payment on a home is less than 20 percent of the appraised value or sale price, you must obtain private mortgage insurance, known as PMI, with your lender. This will enable you to obtain a mortgage with a lower down payment because your lender is now protected against any default on ... more...

How your Personal Credit Score Helps Generate Capital
Generating capital for your business is highly dependent on your personal credit score. Your Payment History makes up 35% of your entire personal credit score. The other key indicators that make up your credit score are Length of Credit History, New Credit, Types of Credit Used, and Amounts Owed. ... more...

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