Insurance Glossary
Assured - Those insured under the terms of an insurance policy.Benefit - The money paid to the policyholder when a claim is made.Bid Price - The selling price or cash-in value of your unit holdings.Bonus - Relates to a with-profits policy. The amount of money added to the benefit payable under the ...
Rolling your 401k: Contributory IRA vs. Rollover IRA
In an ideal world you would start your working career with a great company in your early 20s, steadily climb the corporate ladder, retire at age 65, and draw a sufficient income from your accumulated 401k account to live happily ever after.Unfortunately, thats not how the real world works. If you ...
Positioning Your Company for Debt Financing
Positioning Your Company for Debt Financing:There was a time in the old days when going to the bank was the only way to get outside capital for your business. These days with the explosion of raising equity investment, many of the guidelines for running a company have been revolutionized. ...
UK Mortages: A Guide Through The Maze
Types of UK MortgagesYou may be wasting your money with the wrong type of mortgage. Knowledge is power.There are essentially two different types of mortgage:Repayment only, (capital and interest mortgage)Interest only, (ISA, pension or endowment mortgage)Repayment onlyYour monthly repayments ...
Types of Investment
The word 'investments' is one that most of us are familiar with hearing in financial context. For many of us, it may make us thing of big business and vasts sums of money, but there's much to the world of investments than multi-million dollar deals.Although it's true that, at the top level, ...
Insurance Glossary of Terms
Assured - Those insured under the terms of an insurance policy.Benefit - The money paid to the policyholder when a claim is made.Bid Price - The selling price or cash-in value of your unit holdings.Bonus - Relates to a with-profits policy. The amount of money added to the benefit payable under the ...
Life Insurance, the Universe, and Everything
You may have noticed that life insurance is coming back into fashion. Its true that it may not be the financial term on everybodys lips, but sales of life insurance have been going up, according to the Association of British Insurers. Whilst we may not be saving the volume of funds that the ...
Investment Properties In Atlanta Georgia
Is the amount you would have to charge in rent comparable to similar rentals in the same area? Be alert, and notice what people are asking for. You might have to make some phone calls to get an idea.You will also need to determine the length of the lease. Usually leases come in increments of six ...
Real Estate Stories that Show You How!
Lets begin easing you out of the pits. I mean, comfort zone! Im going to slowly and methodically give you as many little sparks and insights to the relatively simple ways that ordinary people use real estate to achieve extraordinary results.Stories are the best spark plugs. They let you casually ...
Beginning Investor - Investment Terms
Over the course of the past two months, readers have brought to my attention that there is a steep learning curve for investment terminology. That's why the focus of this month's Beginning Investor column will be investment terminology. The world of finance can be complex. This article doesn't ...